Jeff (Bullas) should meet a real Granny …

by convenor on 10/09/2013

Recently we saw something on Twitter which shocked us.
It included the following reference to Grannies:

“So why is social media better than your granny?

The global crowd never sleeps. Your friends on Facebook, followers on Twitter  and the readers of your blog in Germany, USA or South America fill in the time  gaps that Granny can never match. They show up and say “keep going  … you’re on the right track”. Grannies also need to nap. The  social crowd is always there 24/7.”

HillsCarPal thinks that Jeff is completely on the wrong track. Before you tell us what you think, read the complete blog at:

HillsCarPal says “Grannies should not be pushed aside in favour of cyber friends. They don’t want to be ostracised from their communities because we get absorbed in our social media . Instead, why not use Facebook, to offer a Shut-in Senior a Ride when you are travelling around Sydney by subscribing at That way you get to talk to a real Granny who, I promise you, will praise you up hill and down dale!!

Tell us what you think of Jeff Bullas’ blog?


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